In Memory Of
David Michael Sutter
1952 - 2015
Full NameDavid Michael Sutter
Born9th September 1952
Passed Away30th April 2015
62 Years

Intro text

This memorial website was created in the memory of our beloved David Sutter who was born in Chicago, IL on 9th September 1952 and passed away on 30th April 2015, 62 years of age. His entire life was spent being with and caring for his family as well as others. His law was practiced with fairness and equality, the same way he lived his life and for his children. With his wife, Mary and his children all by his side, he left us as he came, gentle and peaceful. May God know His gain, and may the halls of justice in heaven be fair and righteous with such a man at Gods side.
06 May 2015
flower06 May 2015


"Thanks Dad"

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